We want to give you all the gas you need so you can produce much more

Copa Energia LPG for agricultural production is a guarantee of flexibility, safety and lower costs. You’ll find us practically everywhere in Brazil, able to supply your property and ensure good inventory levels for longer periods of time. No matter what kind of business in the agricultural sector you’re engaged in, LPG can be applied in customized ways to a wide range of processes.

Use of LPG in Agribusiness


Drying and toasting grains


Refrigeration cycles


Heating poultry houses


Heating greenhouses

Benefits of LPG

What is LPG?

Liquefied Petroleum Gas, better known as LPG, is made up of a mixture of propane hydrocarbons and commercial butane extracted from petroleum through the refining process.

When subject to low pressure, LPG liquefies, and this makes its bottling and delivery process practical, swift and safe, allowing for storage of a large amount of energy in small spaces.


Efficient energy

It quickly reaches high temperatures, allowing for less use time, thus generating savings for your wallet.



Better cost-benefit compared to firewood and electricity, in addition to being up to 26% cheaper than piped natural gas.


Greater range

Available even in places where pipelines don’t reach, allowing for independence that prevents temporary interruptions of supply.


Clean Energy

It has low emission of pollutants and low environmental impact.


Easy Distribution

It does not require construction or investments in infrastructure. It’s easy to store, transport and distribute.


Process Control

Control of flame and temperature, ensuring the quality of the final product and greater durability of equipment, in addition to not deteriorating while in storage.

When you become a Copa Energia customer, you have:

  • Automatic refill of your LPG unit
  • Technical assistance 24/7
  • Safety at facilities adhering to all rules in force
  • Operation in 24 states and the Federal District